What Are the Causes of Drug Addiction ?

Question by lilxldy: What are the causes of ?
can comeone tell me the causes of drug addiction

Best answer:

Answer by patricia t
hereditary and some claim if you are allergic to something you crave it and get addicted to it…

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Factors of Drug Addiction | Narconon – Narconon Admissions Counselor, DannaSue, explains briefly what are the factors (causes) of drug addiction and what you should be watching for. For more info …


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9 Responses to What Are the Causes of Drug Addiction ?

  • Andrew K says:

    Mostly doing drugs is the cause of drug addiction.

  • izzy right says:

    2 main factors dna bilding block may all ready be in place.the second one is what are they making up for or masking inside.the mind and building block are the foundation of the problems

  • Anthony L says:

    …taking the drug…

  • ravenrose23 says:

    There are to many reasons for people to get addicted to drugs. Here are some of the most frequent:
    1. They see it done in the home from parents or older bro/sis
    2. The have a ligitamite medical condition and them get so used to the high from the pain pills that they crave it.
    3. Some drugs are made to make the body want more. Heroin is one of the most addictive drungs. The drugs make you feel bad when you start to ‘come down’ so you want to feel good again, so you take more
    4. Abuse in the home. People that are abused look to drugs and alcohol as a way to forget the problems at home

  • ElizabethBathory says:

    boredom. nothing on TV.

  • Cassie says:

    usually people become addicted without knowing because they think it makes them feel good or makes them think they are a better person when they are on it. Thats addictive behavior, it makes it easier. Once a substance is takin for a while it replace the body’s natural order of working and then it relies on you to feed that habit to make you normal because your brain has been fooled into thinking it needs it .

  • John V says:

    I consider drug addiction to be a disease….Not all people have this disease of addiction…for me it is a lack of self controll…I used weed for 4 years switching to cocaine for 3 years and then setteling on crystal meth for 8 years…Once I started, I did’nt know how to stop and did’nt want to…Its not hereditary..My brother and I are the only ones in our family that have this problem.(He still uses).it has alot to do with addictive personality..When I was a kid..More. more..more..was my main thought…more chocolate..more candy..more soda…as a teen it started out as beer…more beer more, more. Then be the Drug dealer so I can have more. & do more… Daily use. It becomes a way of life..It becomes a mental and physical addiction…It becomes the center of everything…without it (meth)Physical energy is absent…Therefore the addiction becomes a necessity to muster up the energy to make it through another day…Without it..I lay comatose in bed for 5-14 days before realizing I need the stuff to get out of bed and go to work(dealer)…just to be stuck deeper in the circle again…..I went to jail for 90 days and slept the whole time(waking up only to eat, use the toilet & shower)..Starting up right where I left off when I got out..Addiction is not an easy thing to overcome..It took 7 months in jail and 14 months living in a behavior modification drug program to break me from the cycle…I have 4 years 5 months clean and sober..Yet the thought of doing it just one more time still lingers…My thoughts try to rationalize that I can stop if I do it again.. but my past assures me differently…I stay clean by means of Narcotics Anonomous, all my friends are addicts…we help eachother stay clean..We know how eachother thinks and when one of us is week in our recovery others are there to help us through..
    I am John V and I am a recovering addict

  • erin.savage says:

    Some people are predisposed to becoming addicted to a substance. Of course it can only happen if they choose to try a drug.

    This type of person tries something and their brains falls in love with it and they want to do it all the time. Once they fall into that behavior their body then becomes addicted to the substance.

    How do I know? I’m in recovery from a drug addiction. I talk all about it on my site http://www.whatwinnersdo.com if you want to learn more

  • clean&serene says:

    There are two things that make up true addiction: obsession and compulsion. It is not the drug use that makes people addicts, it is the overwhelming dependency on something to be ok. that something may be sex, food, drugs, etc. Naturally a lot of drugs are physically addictive, and the more of the use the higher the dependency. Chronic pain patients understand that they have pain and need to take something in order to move about during their day. A drug addict will “create” (mentally and physically) that pain in order to have a reason to use. Environments, parental up bringing, financial status, “issues”, all those things play a part in someone becoming an addict, but ultimately it is a decision that is made by the individual in reaction to all of those “issues”. People that are in recovery learn that even when the dope is taken out there lives are still pretty unmanageable, even with years clean. Thanks for lettin me share

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