To This Day Project – Shane Koyczan
To This Day Project – Shane Koyczan – Shane Koyczan “To This Day” Help this message have a far reaching and long lasting effect in confronting bullying. Please sha…
IRS Cincinnati official: getting blamed for targeting was 'like a nuclear …
Filed under: drug abuse definition
WASHINGTON — A Cincinnati Internal Revenue Service official said Thursday that when blame for the IRS targeting of conservative groups was initially placed entirely on the Cincinnati office, it was like “a nuclear strike.” “Personally I felt like it …
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Alkermes Inc.'s CEO Presents at R&D Day – Transcript
Filed under: drug abuse definition
But we're taking a biotech approach to this, in a sense that so you'll hear today most of the programs that we're working on, we're looking for sub-segment or further refine the definition of a fairly – of an incoherent definition. …. combination of …
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Food Trucks To Be Subject Of Discussion At Board Of Selectmen Meeting Monday
Filed under: drug abuse definition
It's sort of a grey area, and may need some definition," McPherson said. "It's a discuss-only topic. We're going to talk about it." McPherson said Anderson may try to come up with some sort of rough … Discuss and take action on acceptance of …
Tags: drug abuse, internal revenue service, daily caller
you think i? should kill myself….
You are from homstuck we both know how much we have cried? because I have been there…
I understand why you would feel like it’s your fault, a lot of kids feel that way but it is never their fault. also don’t suck it up, you will only feel worse about it, talk about? it with someone, a friend or your mother, …
no, you are not attention seeking. sorry If I made you feel that way! Sometimes it’s better for parents to be divorced (I don’t really know your situation) so maybe it was a good thing, I don’t know how old you are and if you will be able to see it in that? light but with my parents it was eventually a good thing, but your father hitting you because you cried is never a good thing parents should never hit their child,
Suicide is not selfish. No? one deserves to feel enough pain that they feel the only way out is to kill themselves. And your bullying people. Please just stop. You and who ever else.
Don’t get Ds in math then. Do well in school, build your future and ignore the insults people throw at you. It’s a simple process and if you can’t do it, you might as well take their advice and kill yourself now so you don’t waste your parents’ resources raising someone who might do it before getting? employed anyways.
Because suicide is a very selfish act? and anyone who performs it deserves to be dead.
You’re speaking incorrectly? for him.
No shit that’s not right to do. Are you mentally insane? Not every problem is solved with violence, do you not get? this you anti-bullies? Hypocritical everywhere in here.
You’re obviously not ignoring me. You’re? retaliating then pretending to “ignore me” once you get your ass handed to you to play it off as,”you’re dumb and this is pointless” when it’s really, “I’m dumb and can’t back up my point any longer.”
Aren’t you fucking Asian? Get out of here, gook. Learn? the definition of capitalization, holy shit.
Another logical fallacy. Trying to change the? spotlight on me.
Saying “pseudo intellectual” doesn’t make you? smart, cockwad.
No matter where I look, or what video it is, people bully each other. I can’t believe you would do that to each other after this. What’s? wrong with everyone?
I? cried the whole way through this.
I hated being called chinese girl as if being chinese is hilarious. Though to those people who did I kinda have to thank you for it because somehow it made me stronger because it made me mad and made me the kind of person who won’t let you step over me. It? hurts to see others hurt instead of me because they’ve got it worst because mine was only temporary not because I stopped it but because the people who did stopped it themselves…
I watch this video whenever I’m sad. It always? makes me feel a little bit better.
This video is so amazing on? different levels I can’t explain
@Shadowraix no no no… I treated him how he was treating everyone else. He insulted everyone first, so I insulted him. Also, while I’m aware that it? is not impossible, it is very unlikely and I do not appreciate someone jumping into an argument and correcting my grammar, especially when it isn’t wrong at all, and then accusing me of running away from the situation. Since when is deciding to ignore someone who is being rude running away?
I do not understand the reasoning of the 2522 people that disliked this video. This video is speaking up? for all those that are unsure of themselves and you discourage them? This is the very reason why we have this problem. It’s because not everybody participates in stopping this. Please try to be positive.