Prescription Drugs

Prescription Drug Overview: Facts, Effects, Detox & Rehab


Prescription Drug Overview: Facts, Effects, Detox & Rehab – How do prescription drugs affect me? Why can’t I stop taking them? Do I need to attend a residential rehab if I’m addicted to prescription drugs like Vicodin…


The struggle to treat mental illness

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

But being handcuffed and put into a squad car or being hospitalized or given medications with severe side effects can be traumatic. Sometimes people have agreed to accept help, but then they've … By law, they could not force their adult son to take …
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Town Hall meeting on prescription drug abuse Feb. 18 in Onawa

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

One will be for parents and will focus on how to recognize abuse, long-term effects of drug abuse, and drugs frequently used to get high. The other session will be for students; it will feature an AA speaker. The presenter will share their story and …
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