Prescription Drugs

Pain Killer Abuse Could Lead to Heroin Addiction

Pain killer abuse could lead to heroin addiction

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that this generation of young adults are abusing prescription drugs more than any in history. Young people born between 1980 and 1994 have a 40 percent higher usage rate of painkillers than any other …
Read more on The University Daily Kansan


In This State: Documentary and doctor 'star' delve into tragedy of drug use

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

Holmes, 72, is a key figure in Bess O'Brien's latest creation, a documentary about young prescription drug addicts in St. Albans and their attempts to overcome their disease with Holmes' help. O'Brien, Holmes and one of the recovering addicts received …


Rob Ford's wife sought help for mayor's drug addiction, book reveals

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

In November, police documents released following a court battle launched by the Star and other media outlets, showed many of Ford's staff, some who have since resigned, believed Ford had a substance abuse problem. The allegations in the police …
Read more on Toronto Star