Addicted to Painkillers – Evan Discusses His Drug Addiction and Recovery at Palm Partners
Addicted To Painkillers – Evan Discusses His Drug Addiction and Recovery at Palm Partners – Addicted to painkillers or other prescription drugs? This video about painkiller addiction features Evan’s drug addiction and recovery at Palm Partners Recov…
Intervention – “Eric”
Filed under: drug addiction help now
Anyone curious about where shows like My Extreme Addiction and Hoarders rose from need only peek at the still-steaming pile of ashes now known as Intervention, an Emmy-winning, reality TV staple that ended its eight-year run on Thursday night. As its …
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A day with a Philadelphia panhandling 'sign-flier'
Filed under: drug addiction help now
Samantha, who declined to give her last name because it would embarrass her parents, is a "sign-flier," the most recent parlance for panhandling. Like many others who rely on this approximation of self-reliance, she struggles with addiction. But she is …
Doctor involved in cocaine ring still practicing medicine
Filed under: drug addiction help now
She didn't want to show her face or give her name, because she says she's afraid of getting mixed up in the “drug world. … Court records show in the fall of 2011, Dr. Armus offered to help federal agents by snitching on his very own patients …