painkiller addiction

Prescription Drug Abuse Deemed Epidemic by CDC

Prescription drug abuse deemed epidemic by CDC

Filed under: signs of drug addiction

At age 20, her liver began showing signs of damage, and that's when she decided it was time to seek help. “I went to my parents, confessed and told them I needed to get off … They thought that maybe I was mentally ill.” Now 24 and in recovery for …


Suncoast Rehab Dispels Top Three Myths Fueling Surge in Prescription

Filed under: signs of drug addiction

Prescription painkiller addiction is dominating headlines today—one in five Americans report misusing a prescription drug at least once in their lifetime (1). Though an … There are other options. Not considering them can be a sign of addiction (4 …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Drug Warriors and Gun Violence: The War on Drugs Fuels Violence

Filed under: signs of drug addiction

Drug users risk their lives, but even a good deal of that is due to impure drugs with varying qualities — directly attributable to the illegality of the drugs themselves. If you take … They are really signs of everything that is wrong with the war …
Read more on Huffington Post (blog)


Former NBA player outlines perils of drug abuse

Filed under: signs of drug addiction

"If you think your child is using, put light in his pupils and they will stay tiny, " said Herren on the telltale signs of opiate abuse. "If he or she sweats when they shouldn't be sweating, kids become disconnected from their family, and if their …
Read more on Nashoba Publishing


From Twitter:

Addiction Treatment Australia – Signs of drug addiction – by AddictionAust (Addiction Australia)


From Twitter:

Drug Addiction warning signs of a friend or family member: Addiction Treatment FOR HELP – by AddictionAust (Addiction Australia)


From Twitter:

#Codependency tries to control addict’s #drug use or rescue them from consequences of their actions. – by NextGenCounsel (Lisa Thompson)