painkiller addiction

Before You Get Surgery How Come You Have to Sign a Consent for HIV and Drug Abuse?

Question by HAKEEM: before you get surgery how come you have to sign a consent for HIV and drug abuse?
when i got surgery i had to sign a consent form bout hiv and drug abuse, why is that?

Best answer:

Answer by Reknaw133
I think it’s because the equipement is cleaned and reusable. Somebody with HIV or a history of IV drug abuse would require disposable equipment.

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Warning Signs of Prescription Painkiller Addiction – Wonder if you or a loved one is addicted to prescription painkillers? Even if you have a prescription, it could be possible. Watch the video to find out more…


Russell Crowe claims his Twitter was hacked

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

During an appearance on the program on Monday night (07.01.13) host Chelsea Handler praised the 42-year-old actress for taking care of four-year-old boys Max and Bob, after their mother Brooke Mueller, who is battling drug abuse problems in rehab, lost …


Finding the Right Destination and the Right Price for the Versatile Andre Iguodala

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

The list is a murderer's row of Hall of Famers, should-be Hall of Famers, future Hall of Famers, and a spectacularly talented player who flamed out due to drug abuse. Zeroing in on just the last few years narrows the list even more. From 2011 to 2013 …
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Second teen spends months in jail for sarcastic video game threat

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Register for Emails. TheDC Links; TheDC Morning. Ginni's List; Campus Caller. Register. Terms of Use. Join TheDC on Facebook. Popular Articles. Popular. Emailed. Krauthammer: Obama 'bystander' policy on Egypt 'a shocking position' · What's wrong with …
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Investigating rape in Philadelphia: how one city's crisis stands to help others

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

And Darby said that his team are not out to prosecute victims for underage drinking or drug use, for example, because overlooking that helps elicit an honest and more full account of what happened, which in turn improves the chances of arresting a rape …
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