drug treatment

Ryan Urges Funding for Drug Treatment

Ryan urges funding for drug treatment

Filed under: drug addiction help washington

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WKBN) – Members of the U.S. House of Representatives heard first-hand Friday morning the problems being faced by those trying to treat people addicted to heroin and other opiates. By the time workers with a group known as …
Read more on WKBN/WYFX-TV


Heroin use, treatment on rise in Indiana

Filed under: drug addiction help washington

Among people seeking treatment for addictive behavior, the percentage of those seeking help for heroin addiction has risen significantly, according both to the state health department and the Indiana University Center for Health Policy. The …
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Greene still has a drug problem

Filed under: drug addiction help washington

Five years ago, Southeastern Greene School Board was advised there was a drug problem there, with heroin being the drug of choice. This, to my dismay, is still the case. After five years, you would think Greene County would be making some headway to …
Read more on Washington Observer Reporter