drug rehab program

Can a Person Who Was a Cocaine Addict Drink Alcohol Occasionally After Rehab?

Question by kat: Can a person who was a cocaine addict drink alcohol occasionally after rehab?
My husband is getting out of a 6 month drug rehab program on Friday. I want to know if it is ok to allow him to drink alcohol or not. Alcohol was never a problem foe him, cocaine was his only addiction. I do not drink very often. I will maybe have 1 or 2 drinks every couple of months. I just wanted to know if I should ban all alcohol from our home? I just need some guidance on this one. Serious, helpful answers please.

Best answer:

Answer by the_only_solorose
the risk that he could trade one addiction for another is pretty high. To be on the safe side, I would remove all alcohol from the house.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Leaked paper reveals UN split over war on drugs

Filed under: drug addiction help recovery

"Drug users should be entitled to access to treatment, essential medicines, care and related support services," the EU's submission suggests. "Programmes related to recovery and social reintegration should also be encouraged." Ann Fordham, executive …
Read more on The Guardian


A New Drug Rehab Helpline is Now Available in Tyler

Filed under: drug addiction help recovery

Drug Rehab Tyler has created a new helpline to help provide people with important information on rehab and recovery centers and programs. Tyler, TX (PRWEB) November 30, 2013. People struggle with drug or alcohol addiction every day. Many want to end …
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.5M awarded to help inmates with mental health, addiction problems

Filed under: drug addiction help recovery

Inmates are less likely to re-offend if they are receiving proper treatment, but that doesn't mean the average taxpayer wants to shell out money for drug abuse counseling in addition to medical care already paid by county residents, said Kathy Coate …
Read more on Chillicothe Gazette


Recovery House helps students stay sober

Filed under: drug addiction help recovery

The university hosts a number of prevention programs and services — including counseling, mentoring and a 12-step program — to help students kick substance abuse. What counseling staff has found is that more often than not, students in treatment need …
Read more on Ct Post