alcohol treatment centers

What Is It Like Working at a Treatment Center?

Question by kscha925: What is it like working at a treatment center?
I might be getting a job at a residential treatment center for people 18+. It’s strictly for people with drug and alcohol violations, they aren’t supposed to have serious psych disorders, apparently. Also, it’s not really a rehab, it’s kinda like post-rehab. Anyway, the position is for a residential tech, like monitoring the place, and stuff. It is entry level, and I’m new to this, so I’m wondering what it might be like. Anyone have good experience? Bad experiences? What does the job usually entail? I know I won’t be doing counseling or anything.

Best answer:

Answer by BlueBunny
I haven’t done it before but it doesn’t seem like an easy job, but if you love people i guess..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Alcohol Treatment Centers Anaheim California – / -Through the intervention, we along with your family and friends help you or your loved one to realize that they have…


Alcoholic mother of two took own life, Cumbria inquest told

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Dr Guy Bickerton, of the Cleator Moor Health Centre, said Miss Smith had “long-standing problems of alcohol dependency” and also suffered from depression and anxiety. The inquest heard Miss Smith was receiving help from two drug and alcohol addiction …
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Swanton man sentenced for drug sale

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… restitution to the Swanton Police Department within 30 days; stay out of bars; not possess or consume alcohol; abide by an 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew; successfully complete drug and alcohol treatment; and serve 30 days at the Corrections Center of …


Gaddis protests development proposal

Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers drug alcohol

Last Wednesday, Oregon City resident Miriah Gaddis began collecting signatures in opposition to a 40-unit drug-and-alcohol residential rehabilitation center proposed on the Beavercreek Road site where her sister had been found murdered in 2002. by …
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