alcohol treatment centers

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers | How to Choose Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Arizona


Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers | How to Choose Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Arizona – Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Arizona – In this video, we discuss the basic components of any good drug rehab progra…


Nov. 7-13 Daily Calendars

Filed under: christian drug rehab centers

•Alcoholics Anonymous closed meeting, noon, Tyler Center, in the Galley. •Celebrate Recovery, 12-step Christ-centered recovery program, free meal 5:30 p.m.; open meetings, 6:30 p.m.; small group meetings, 7:30 p.m., Word Alive International Outreach …
Read more on Anniston Star


Swift treatment aids local stroke patient

Filed under: christian drug rehab centers

She said the clot, located in the thalamus near the center of the brain, had made it difficult for Patrick to respond to questions and breathe. Within a day of the treatment, she was back to normal. "It was completely amazing to me," Stanford said. "To …
Read more on Northern Virginia Daily


Drug Wars and Deficits

Filed under: christian drug rehab centers

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is fighting a failed war, and they're fighting dirty. President Richard Nixon launched the war on drugs in 1971 to end drug violence and drug abuse. Forty-two years later, we still have drug use, more violence and more …
Read more on American Spectator