alcohol addiction treatment

WelcomeHome Addiction Recovery Academy | Drug Abuse Rehab | Alcohol Addiction Treatment


WelcomeHome Addiction Recovery Academy | Drug Abuse Rehab | Alcohol Addiction Treatment – WelcomeHome is a highly structured residential drug and alcohol addiction treatment center for men and women aged 18 to 34. Our long-term program is extremel…


Beating addiction out of you – literally

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

The cure involves literally beating the addiction, obsession or depression out of the patient. Dr Pilipenko claims he is restoring or modernising a method of treatment known to previous generations including notorious cane-happy English schoolmasters …
Read more on The Siberian Times


State: Drug treatment options exist despite local backlog

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

Department of Health statistics for Vermont show the breakdown of care for 9,401 clients who received substance abuse treatment in 2012. Substance abuse treatment covers alcohol, marijuana/hashish, heroin and other opiates, and other substances.