Mark Levin: Obama Has Been FDR, Lincoln, Reagan and Now Trayvon Martin

Mark Levin: Obama has been FDR, Lincoln, Reagan and now Trayvon Martin

Filed under: free drug rehab treatment

On his Friday night radio program, conservative talk show host Mark Levin had some harsh criticism for President Barack Obama and his remarks on the acquittal of \George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin. Levin, author of the forthcoming book …
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Bon Jovi to play East Rutherford, with or without Sambora

Filed under: free drug rehab treatment

There's been no fight,” Jon Bon Jovi told the Detroit Free Press earlier this week. But the fissure … He joined Christie as the governor signed the signed the Overdose Prevention Act into law at the Turning Point drug rehabilitation center in …


Longtime foster dad always saw kids 'worth saving'

Filed under: free drug rehab treatment

The ones with drug problems and rap sheets. The ones … He found himself in and out of rehab more than once. Finally, at age 32, while climbing a flight of stairs in yet another treatment facility during yet another low point, "I had this epiphany …
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