IRS Lawyer Says Scandal Was Overseen by D.C., Names Names

IRS lawyer says scandal was overseen by D.C., names names

Filed under: drug abuse help websites

Hull signed a May 12, 2010 letter to the Albuquerque Tea Party, grilling the group on the recent content of its newsletters and its website. “I was essentially a front person, because I had no autonomy or no authority to act on [applications] without …
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Jimmy Carter: 'America no longer has a functioning democracy'

Filed under: drug abuse help websites

The former president continued that democratic developments — fueled by sites such as Facebook and Twitter — might be damaged by the NSA revelations, essentially strangling emerging democratic revolutions in the cradle by casting doubt on the social …
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ACLU decries the use of license plate scanner systems

Filed under: drug abuse help websites

The license plate scanning systems do help police, but the majority of information they collect is on non-crime related vehicles. In Maryland, 47 out of one million plates are flagged as “potentially associated with a stolen car or a person wanted for …
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'I became a life coach to help sex addicts – after my husband got hooked on

Filed under: drug abuse help websites

Loyal: Michelle Perra became a qualified life coach to help sex addicts – after supporting her own husband get over his addiction to porn and prostitutes. The couple pose together happily last year. After discovering her husband was addicted to … Mr …
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