Food and Addiction: Hand Over the Chocolate and Nobody Gets Hurt
Food and Addiction: Hand Over the Chocolate and Nobody Gets Hurt
Filed under: food addiction help
Folks who are cross addicted (have more than one addictive habit such as food and smoking) tend to have a more pronounced experience and during treatment, need to really hone their vigilance and focus to stay on track through recovery. What This Means …
Read more on WebMD (blog)
Addicted to Food? The New Research Suggests It's Possible.
Filed under: food addiction help
She stopped thinking about her weight. Her approach was so successful that she founded a program, wrote a couple of books, and now helps others. “If you focus on weight, you will lose,” she says, but “if you focus on … says Kelly Brownell of Yale …
Read more on Newsweek
Brain chemical imbalance can create food addiction
Filed under: food addiction help
If you have not come to terms with this reality, hopefully the following points will help open your eyes and lead to better control over your weight gain, fluctuation and health. Like other addictions (e.g. narcotics, nicotine, or alcohol), food …
Read more on The Henderson Press
From Twitter:
@Fanipackk I think you need to seek help. you have an addiction ………. to food. lol – by jGriciute (Janina Maria)
From Twitter:
True Life: Food Addiction .. I should be on this show, I need help! – by hannaJPklein (h???? ?l????)
From Twitter:
If anyone wants to help me kick my food addiction and get me a job at a retail store with cool clothes… Get at me – by KatieeeOHIO (Katie)