Drug Addiction?

Question by Lacey: drug addiction?
im writing a story about a girl dealing with drug addiction….i want the facts straight, i need infor on
how much is a single dosage (XTC, meth, etc..)
stuff like how longa single dosage usually lasts…how often the drug would be taken
how much it might cost
and what withdrawal symptoms would be
how long between the last dosage and stopping would withdrawal start?
pretty much everything id need to know writing from the POV of a drug addicted girl

Best answer:

Answer by randombs904
go to http://www,erowid.org

Everything you need is there

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Drug Addiction – Short video on heroin addiction. Produced by Friedkin Digital for Wiley & Sons, Inc. Part of a companion series for a university level textbook, “Abnormal Psychology” 11th edition by authors Ann M. Kring, Sheri L. Johnson, Gerald C. Davison, & John M. Neale. Additional footage courtesy of Greg Scott Sawbuck Productions DePaul University …dedicated to the memory of his sister, Julie. © Copyright 2009


Wood drug court helps addicts to change

Filed under: drug addiction

PARKERSBURG -Wood County Adult Drug Court provides help for individuals with a drug habit to get their life back on track. "We provide them with the tools, but at the end of the day it's their choice whether they want to change their life," said …
Read more on Parkersburg News


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