DeSoto Provides Help to People 18 and Older

DeSoto provides help to people 18 and older

Filed under: drug rehab programs

The clubhouse provides psychosocial rehabilitation with the goal of returning clients, many from the acute-partial program, to the work force and normal family life. Client caseload ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 for each of the youth … Providing …
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Joan Manning: Of course the poor pay no income tax

Filed under: drug rehab programs

Let's empty our prisons of small-time drug offenders and set up rehab clinics. Let's build rail and bus systems to lessen dependence on cars. Let's demand that our government put the people first. To do that we must, starting at the city and state …
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Drug rehab service reports soaring rates of mental illness

Filed under: drug rehab programs

TONY EASTLEY: One of Australia's largest drug and alcohol rehabilitation services is reporting an "alarming" growth in clients with mental illness. Odyssey House's latest annual report also … MICHAEL VINCENT: When James Pitts steps out of his rehab …
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