Crystal Meth Hardest Drug Addiction to Overcome

Crystal Meth Hardest Drug Addiction To Overcome

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

Crystal Meth is a street drug, made in illegal labs by chemically altering over-the-counter drugs. It is highly addictive, and long-term use can cause cardiovascular problems and change the brain chemistry. Some physical effects include anorexia …
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Josh Drespling: Give up my beloved caffeine? Now THAT would be jolt

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

Sure, you have your nay-sayers and the manufactured mania concerning the adverse effects of you on our fragile human bodies. You have been labeled a gateway drug, but I propose it is the gateway to happiness, productivity, and heightened brain …
Read more on New Castle News (blog)


Our obsession with sugar, salt and fat

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

The head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Washington says that it's more difficult for people to control their eating habits than narcotics. She is hugely empathic with overeaters. In your book, you talk about how the industry fiddles with …
Read more on CNN International