Cheap Drugs Brings a Cheap Response

Cheap drugs brings a cheap response

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

The problem is that the federal government is obliged to let it happen under its laws, yet doing so could flood the market with a more accessible version of one the leading causes of drug addiction. In Oshawa, prescription pills and opiates in general …
Read more on Oshawa Express


Five deadly everyday addictions

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

In one study, frequent tanners who were given an opioid receptor blocker (which causes withdrawal symptoms in opioid drug–addicted people but not in non-addicted people) developed the same nausea and jitteriness you'd expect to find in a hard drug …


It's time Scotland shows sense on methadone

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

Drug addiction in Scotland causes such devastation, and touches the lives of so many, that it will always spark emotional debate. So it was no surprise that the debate was charged. But if Scotland really wants to get to grips with its devastating drug …
Read more on Scottish Daily Record


From Twitter:

Understanding Contributing Factors and Causes of Drug Addiction – by Justineso67 (Justine Grondin)


From Twitter:

Understanding Contributing Factors and Causes of Drug Addiction – by Kamifi63 (Kami Sheridan)


From Twitter:

Faith and prayer is the most important step in treating the causes of drug addiction, which are anxiety, toxicity… – by LindaCheekMD (Linda Cheek MD)