Book Review: In a Queer Voice

Book Review: In a Queer Voice

Filed under: drug addiction stories

We meet six compelling people who share their stories. The most harrowing tale comes from David. … Travis survived drug addiction and cancer to become a high-profile gay activist, only to retreat later to a cloistered life. "I'd like a nice, calm …
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Mt. Lebanon officials seek solution to heroin problem

Filed under: drug addiction stories

The tendency in a number of communities is to ignore reports of drug abuse, hoping they will vanish. In Mt. Lebanon, some elected officials are making no secret about the presence of such problems locally, especially with regard to a certain highly …
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The voting rights martyr who divided America

Filed under: drug addiction stories

Hoover began telling President Johnson that Liuzzo was having sex with black men, was a drug addict, and had a husband who was involved in organized crime. The FBI then leaked this misinformation to the press, which soon began writing stories …
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