Addiction Definition Essay.?

Question by aroller3: Addiction definition essay.?
Could somebody help me with a closing to my definition essay. I would like you to reword this introduction paragraph to be my closing paragraph.

In today’s society, addiction can refer to any obsession, whether it be drugs or shopping. Addiction is a psychological and bodily dependence on a substance or practice which is beyond voluntary control. People usually connect addiction with drugs or alcohol but addiction can be for anything. It has developed throughout the years to become a widespread epidemic with people of all ages and ethnicities. Addiction is one of the toughest problems people face, with a “feel good right now” mentality that helps relieve the addiction process. There are three cycles of addiction: emotional, physical, and mental. Tolerance and withdrawal are the two elements of addiction

Best answer:

Answer by Nora
Now a days, there are many addictions. Most people believe that an addiction is only a way of saying that the person in question is addicted to drugs or alcohol. This isn’t true because an addiction can be described as any obsession one has, it ranges from shopping to drugs to stealing, people all around the world have some kind of addiction. As the obsessiveness has spread throughout the years, obsession has become on of the most vivid and expansive epidemics ever to challenge human beings. There are three cycles of addiction: emotional, physical, and mental. There are two elements of addiction, tolerance and withdrawal. As the people we care about slide into this disease, we must ask ourselves …What can we do to STOP it?

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