World of Warcraft Addiction
World of Warcraft Addiction – This was originally made as a joke, but as time progressed it became a little more worrying. Since making this video, another 5 or 6 months have passed and t…
Sheriff: Man stabbed during fight over purse full of drugs, money
Filed under: wow addiction help
i love how you people want to execute us,lock us away in a cage,call us names… how many of you have family or friends who, weather you know it or not, have suffered at some time in their lives with addiction?then you want to rid the streets of drugs …
Read more on KVAL
New hue
Filed under: wow addiction help
From drug addiction to depression to bipolar whatever to sadness and breakups and makeups to marriage and divorces and custody battles … we're still here and not going anywhere, and that light of the end of the tunnel is right now, and you've got to …
Read more on Oklahoma Gazette
Video Games Provide Learning, Health And Social Benefits, Review Finds
Filed under: wow addiction help
"Important research has already been conducted for decades on the negative effects of gaming, including addiction, depression and aggression, and we are certainly not suggesting that this should be ignored," said lead author Isabela Granic, PhD, of …
Read more on Science 2.0