S. Dakota Indian Foster Care 1: Investigative Storytelling Gone Awry

S. Dakota Indian Foster Care 1: Investigative Storytelling Gone Awry

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

In October 2011, NPR aired a three-part investigative series by reporter Laura Sullivan and producer Amy Walters alleging abuses in the foster care system for Native American children in South Dakota. With a mix of statements by the reporter and much …
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Pot: to legalize or not

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

This makes it more likely to lead to addiction, adding even more problems to our struggling healthcare system. I think Mr. Trudeau should rethink this subject before pushing ahead. Larry Comeau, Ottawa. Your editorial was both balanced and insightful.
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Chicago Teachers Union headed to Washington to fight for Trayvon, against

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Seats on the Chicago Labor Freedom Riders bus cost $ 100 each. Financial aid is available for any cash-strapped teachers. The average salary for a Chicago public school teacher is $ 76,000. That figure does not include a generous benefits package.
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