What Are Some Really Good Movies About People Struggling With Drug Addiction?
Question by Mackenzie: What are some really good movies about people struggling with drug addiction?
I am trying to find some really good movies about people struggling with drug addiction.. I have recently watched Puncture with Chris Evans in it..
Any ideas?
Is Requiem for a Dream the movie where the heroin addict looses half of his arm?
Best answer:
Answer by Dawson
REQUIEM FOR A DREAM!! Really really good movie
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
This Week In Home Entertainment: Evil Dead, 42, Hell On Wheels And More
Filed under: drug addiction movies
Evil Dead is a movie that revels in gruesome violence set in a cabin in the woods while 42 is a movie about a baseball team, and more importantly, about avoiding violence in order to help break down racial barriers in the sport. One story … Fede …
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I Just Can't Get Enough
Filed under: drug addiction movies
Between acts, while Bey changed up her freakum dresses/weaves, they played these awesome short films — everything from Beyoncé as a broke-down princess to personal videos (everyone freaked when we saw her kiss Blue Ivy, and a shot of her with …
Read more on Cincinnati CityBeat
Cory Monteith cremated
Filed under: drug addiction movies
Cory had recently entered a month-long treatment programme to battle substance abuse. The actor did not reveal when he made the announcement through a spokesperson that he had been struggling with heroin addiction. The star's dad said he was "shocked …
Read more on Belfast Telegraph