Substance Abuse Treatment Centers | Drug Abuse Treatment Centers
Substance Abuse Treatment Centers | Drug Abuse Treatment Centers – Drug, alcohol, and prescription drugs abuse is treated at Substance Abuse Treatment Centers’ residential facility in Chi…
Tentacles of Indiana meth problem hard to escape –
Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana
Johnson wasn't just addicted to the drug — he was hooked on making it. He had plenty of company. In 2012, Indiana State Police reported seizing 1,726 clandestine meth operations, more than double the number in 2007. The U.S. Drug Enforcement …
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Residents, community leaders seek solutions to homelessness
Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana
Kay Wiles, with the Homeless Initiative Program in Indianapolis, said the program worked with the Indianapolis police department to identify 24 homeless people who were being repeatedly arrested downtown and gave them the option of going to a detox …
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