Drugs at Work / Educational Documentary Video


Drugs At Work / Educational Documentary Video – Drugs In The Workplace / Educational Documentary Video National Institutes of Health National Institute on Drug Abuse Drugs at Work (Employee Version) This video is the first program in a four-part videotape series on drug abuse in the workplace. A 23-minute educational documentary which provides an overview of the problem, it describes the costs of drug use for the workplace, the individual, and the public. Producer: National Institutes of Health Creative Commons license: Public Domain Drugs in the Workplace. Public domain video. DRUGS IN THE WORKPLACE — What an employer needs to know. Substance abuse is a widespread problem in our society. An estimated 14.8 million Americans are current illicit drug users.1 The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported that 77 percent of illicit drug users in the United States are employed. Thats 9.4 million people. The chances are good that your organization employs one of these workers. Who is using drugs at work? A survey by the federal government showed full-time employees who admitted to being current illicit drug users tend to be: between the ages of 18 and 25 less educated male divorced or never married white low paid Industries with the highest rates of illicit drug use food preparation workers waiters, waitresses, and bartenders other service occupation workers construction workers workers in transportation and material moving3 How does substance abuse impact the workplace? Employees who abuse alcohol


First graduation of veterans court set for March 15

Filed under: does drug abuse treatment work

If veterans successfully comply with conditions VTAC imposes, such as completing substance abuse treatment, the case can be dismissed. … Several of the programs and departments supporting VTAC pay their employees to work with VTAC, Phillips said.
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SERIES: Violent Sexual Predator Allegedly Tried to Turn Himself In—and Was

Filed under: does drug abuse treatment work

But Rother noted that none of the 1,115 drug-treatment or mental-health inpatient beds in the region would accept sex offenders—even ones claiming to be homicidal. Outrage over the case led many voices, including … While The San Diego Union-Tribune …
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Nashport resident sentenced for role in marijuana operation

Filed under: does drug abuse treatment work

His attorney, Kristin Burkett, said he would be applying for work release. Burkett said Nethers has used the time since the charges were brought against him to seek treatment for his addiction to marijuana, something he had struggled with since he was …
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