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How Much Coverage Has Anti-Depressant Use Recieved in Last 10 Yrs? How Many Studies/movies/media Released?
Question by Erin D: How much coverage has anti-depressant use recieved in last 10 yrs? How many studies/movies/media released?
I’m trying to prove that society is very concerned with the implications of a nation on anti-d drugs, but that it does not seem to have a healthy discussion about prescription drug abuse of painkillers, stimulants, and opioids. It’s been hard to find statistics, can you find any?
Best answer:
Answer by NekoMimi
Americans love to scream and yell about how evil drugs are yet we are totally unwilling to help those that are addicted…
Or are mentally ill and need help…
Here is a statistic…
All because of our views on health care and the stigma of people trying to get help for their mental illness.
We allow people to stay addicted to drugs and abuse their children…
We will let people die in the gutter before we force them into treatment…
We are a sad and convoluted country…
Give your answer to this question below!
END THE WAR ON DRUGS FACTS AND STATISTICS – The Federal Government spends over billion dollars per year in the War on Drugs — almost 0 every second — and we have lost. The reason for this failure is that we are fighting the war on the wrong front. We have focused the battle on stopping the flow of illegal drugs, thinking that our enemy is the drug dealer or the addict. Law enforcement agencies make drug busts — big and small — taking product off the streets and putting dealers and addicts in jail. This doesn’t work because the addict still wants product there is always another drug dealer or pain clinic around the corner. The only true solution is to reduce demand — which means spending the money on Addiction Treatment. Scare tactics like the DEA report (www.usdoj.gov said that “Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations represent the greatest organized crime threat to the United States” and that “intelligence estimates indicate a vast majority of the cocaine available in US drug markets is smuggled by Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations across the US– Mexico border.” This type of report fuels the fire and encourages spending more and more money on drug interception — which doesn’t work — rather than substance abuse education, intervention and treatment — which has a much larger impact on demand. The same report also cited a 2007 study that “nearly 7 million Americans are abusing prescription drugs — more than the number who are abusing cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, Ecstasy, and inhalants, combined …
A Message on Sandy Hook and Mental Health Awareness
Filed under: drug abuse treatment statistics
We must be aware of the dangers that can occur when someone goes undiagnosed as well as the very real possibilities for recovery — be aware of the fact that the earlier someone seeks treatment, the better their recovery will be. Life, love …
Read more on Huffington Post
Malia may call hearings on OUI acquittal rates
Filed under: drug abuse treatment statistics
Malia also said there needs to be a proactive approach to the issue, such as using intervention and treatment options. She said there are “alarming statistics” when it comes to the rise of prescription drug overdoses and noted that many who abuse …
Read more on Jamaica Plain Gazette
Mick North on arming teachers: "The idea that because the problem is guns, the …
Filed under: drug abuse treatment statistics
In 1996, North's five-year-old daughter was among those who perished in the infamous mass school shooting in Dunblane, Scotland. Joining Piers Morgan from overseas, tonight's guest shared statistics that have come since the enacted gun ban following …
Read more on CNN (blog)
Piers Morgan and Christiane Amanpour debate gun control with guests Steve …
Filed under: drug abuse treatment statistics
For the past 5 days all he is able to do is repeat himself about why anyone would want an AR15 while quoting firing rates as well as the death statistics in the UK versus US as well as the recent mass shootings. ….. We made drugs illegal.. we still …
Read more on CNN (blog)
From Twitter:
RT @NLM_SIS: MT @aidsinfo: 1/3 of Americans with #HIV use drugs or alcohol. Substance abuse treatment can help prevent HIV: http://t.co/ … – by SEVIEW1 (SE VIEW )
From Twitter:
RT @NLM_OSP: MT @aidsinfo: 1/3 of Americans with #HIV use drugs or alcohol. Substance abuse treatment can help prevent HIV: http://t.co/ … – by videodouble (Fake HIV)
From Twitter:
RT @NLM_SIS: MT @aidsinfo: 1/3 of Americans with #HIV use drugs or alcohol. Substance abuse treatment can help prevent HIV: http://t.co/ … – by videodouble (Fake HIV)