Eating Disorder Treatment and ‘Binge Food’ Addictions


Eating Disorder Treatment and ‘Binge Food’ Addictions – Most of us don’t start out looking for ‘binge food’. In fact for many of us seeking effective eating disorder treatment, our binge food rituals START by starving ourselves. This CAN go on for a period of time, but not forever. Eventually we WILL GIVE IN to eating, and usually by that point the ‘eating disorder mind’ is not on the prowl for a plate of fresh veggies or a juicy green apple. Nope our ‘eating disorder binge foods’ of choice are almost always high fat, high sugar, high salt foods… and just like the old slogan for ‘Lays Potato Chips’ goes Bet’cha Can’t Eat Just One! Found out what MY OLD binge food faves were… and why sugar addiction IS a valiant enemy needing a stealthy plan of attack if you ever hope to win. Effective eating disorder treatment happens in your mind, your environment, and on your spoon. In this video I will teach you: – WHY it is important to see the binge food I came from, to see where YOURS are taking you. – WHAT binge food I LOVED to hate (this was ritualistic!) – Reminders about the proof behind why refined table sugar is actually classified as a ‘drug’. – What your emotions have to do with your binge food cravings. Don’t delay, press play right now and empower yourself with effective eating disorder treatment strategies, and some of the ‘binge food’ information that set me FREE from my eating disorders evil control! Luv, Shan ox —————————————————- Some places where I


UF tackling our addictions to food

Filed under: food addiction help

"We're treating all the problems related to obesity, but what's the treatment for obesity?" Gold asked. "Let's move back to the cause." For those interested in learning more about food addiction, Gold's book, co-edited with Yale public health and …
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Food addiction: it's real

Filed under: food addiction help

Conquering a food addiction can help you grow years younger, as you lose weight and improve your health (blood pressure and bad LDL cholesterol will fall; so will your risk for Alzheimer's disease, heart attacks, diabetes, impotence, wrinkles and even …
Read more on Online Athens


7 ways to beat your food addiction

Filed under: food addiction help

Take my Food Addiction Quiz. This is a special assessment developed by Yale University researchers to evaluate your relationship with food. Experts believe that the majority of people who are overweight or obese have some level of food addiction …
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From Twitter:

RT @novitoocool: RT @novitoocool: Someone help this girl frm her mcd addiction -.-” “@bbhangover: dad brought some food from mcdo :3″ – by bbhangover (IBFATTYSEUNGRI )


From Twitter:

Someone help this girl frm her mcd addiction -.-” “@bbhangover: dad brought some food from mcdo :3″ – by novitoocool (Novita Widia)


From Twitter:

Actually think I have an addiction to food this is getting out of control I need helpby Koytay (KaTiE )