My Rights Violated? Pro Needed!?

Question by tracy s: My rights violated? Pro needed!?
Legal question-I am under probaton for a dui offense.
My probation officer demand that i go to some sort of “treatment” program.She wants me to go off certain medictaion that probation feel are “addictive”.anyway,the probation officer spoke with my doctor and identfied me as a “substance abuse” offender.she had no written authorization to do this”release” and my doctor informed In an email that she had NO knowledge of this info prior.TO my understanding this could be a violation or Hippa laws and protected health information laws.please pro or knowlgeble answers only.And yes i have a copy of the mail..

Best answer:

Answer by BigD
A communication from someone TO your doctor – not a violation of HIPPA.

What medical information did your doctor release? Probably none.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Habilitat Hawaii Long-Term Residential Substance Abuse Treatment & Vocational Training Program – Habilitat Hawaii Long-Term Residential Substance Abuse Treatment & Vocational Training Program Has been helping people since 1971. We are recognized as one of the nation’s foremost long term drug rehabilitation centers. Habilitat is a self-supporting non-profit organization. We have developed techniques for creating the qualities lacking in many people’s character: self-esteem, self-worth and self-discipline. Habilitat strengthens your character, mind and body. We believe the best way to take ones dignity is to do something for them that they can do for themselves. We teach individuals how to be self-reliant and responsible members of society. Habilitat’s approach to addiction is unique. We do not subscribe to the notion that addiction is a disease. We teach people that addiction and alcoholism is a choice. We have understood for many years that long-term drug rehabilitation alone is not enough to ensure long-term success. People need marketable skills and work ethics if they are to be competitive in today’s workforce. Our vocational training programs are second to none in the substance abuse treatment community. We motivate the unmotivated and often succeed where other programs have failed. Since its modest beginnings, Habilitat grew to accommodate 200 residents at its new oceanfront facility in Kane`ohe, Hawai`i. Consistently, through demonstration and positive results in helping thousands of individuals and their families, Vinny Marino maintained the highly acclaimed


Drug Problem Will Be Fought With Regional Approach

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New drug treatment programs are the focus of Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin's plan to fight substance abuse in the Mountain State. Tomblin unveiled the plan in Beckley Thursday. Tomblin says when he traveled the state last year he kept hearing from residents …
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TRICARE substance abuse treatment falls short, experts say

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Dr. Mark McGovern, an associate professor of psychiatry at Dartmouth Medical School who specializes in the treatment of substance abuse disorders, said combat veterans tend to use a “fifth of scotch” to deal with combat stress and survivor guilt, …
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Scott should follow NJ and treat drug-addicted offenders

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Christie also correctly pointed out that a year of drug treatment costs less than half of what it costs to incarcerate a person for a year. For every dollar spent on substance-abuse treatment in prison, states save $ 2 to $ 6 on reduced recidivism and …
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PTSD Improves When Substance Abuse Also Treated

Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment

(CNN) — Combining treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse resulted in improved PTSD symptoms without worsening symptoms of substance abuse, according to a study released Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical …


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From Twitter:

What is the economic cost of substance abuse treatment? A look at programs in Florida. – by SAGECQPolitics (SAGE Politics)


From Twitter:

RT @samhsagov: 40% of substance abuse treatment admissions report alcohol-drug combinations. Full report: (PDF) – by ali_bebe (Alison G.)


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Nearly… #Addiction #addictiontreatment #Alcohol #alcoholdisorders #Substanceabuse #substanceabusetreatment – by IntegratedTrtmt (IntegratedTrtmt)